The Demonstration Suite

There are four parts to the Zednet Demonstration Suite.

Demo Site.

The Demo site has two main functions:

1. To allow you to 'test drive' the software, to see how simple it is to use. Click on the links in the left hand panel on the Demo Site to access the various parts of the menu.

2. To view other 'live' fully operational sites. These sites have been created and are managed and updated entirely by the site owners themselves, demonstrating just how simple it is to produce your own professional website using the zednet software.

To enter the Demo Site click here

Walk-thru Site.

We have produced this demo site to 'walk you through' the process of changing and creating your site.

An example site has been created (Hudsons Estate Agents and Valuers) and in the shaded boxes on each page, explanations are provided to help you see the ways the pages were created, and the different ways you can use each page.

This demo site is an actual Zednet site, so you can move around freely within it, try out the search feature etc.

To enter the Walk-thru Site click here

Zednet Standard Site.

This Standard Site shows you exactly how a site will look when first created for you before it has been customised to your requirements.

From this basic framework you can alter the templates exactly as you wish, using the Admin Menu i.e. You will be able to change colours, backgrounds, text, enter your logo, photos etc. etc.

(NB: with this particular 'Standard' site, you will not be able to make any alterations, as you have not been provided with a password. If you wish to 'test drive' a site to see how easy it is to use, use the 'Demo Site' as shown above.)

To enter the Standard Site click here

Users Guide.

This is the full Users Guide for the Zednet Instant Web Site Software Package. Take a read through and feel free to print it off if you prefer, to read at your leisure.

NB: Please note; whilst this User Guide does cover everything most people need to know, this is merely an adaptation of the standard user guide provided with the Instant Web Site Software. Here at Zednet, we will provide you with further detailed instructions and online help, FAQ's, troubleshooting, plus many additional services etc.

Details will be provided to you when you purchase your Website Plan.

To view the Users Guide click here